Tuesday, 26 January 2010

lemonade anyone?

Well hello....i hope everyone had a good Christmas and New year :)

Who made New Years resolutions and has broken them already....? I thought so :P

Why do we do it...we make them every time, year after year...even though its a pretty standard guarantee that by the end of January we will have forgotten about them, broken them, or simply not found time to act on them....

Thats quite sad, if you think about it, as a human race i feel we spend too much time, wondering, hoping, wishing...and not enough time DOING!! Instead of deciding what to do for the new year-go out and do it, make a start.

How do you eat an elephant-one bite at a time....so take that bite, dont be overwhelmed by the looming giant 'thing'.....its only scary if you let it be

Life is a scary place...but one thing i have learnt this year so far, is that I have the ultimate power and control. Going with the saying....life gives me lemon-FACT, what happens to them is entirely up to me....i can make lemonade, or lemon pie, or, squeeze them on pancakes-the possibilities are endless, yet usually, my lemons end up going old and brown in the fridge because i didnt act upon what life gave me, i expected/assumed/hoped that the lemons would get up and sort themselves out....funnily enough, they never do!!

Anyway, im not actually quite sure where that lot came from, although i guess i have been doing a lot of thinking lately...about who i am, what i want, about my life and where its going, what im doing etc-Mum, if your reading this, dont panic, im ok, just going through a contemplative stage :)

A question for you to think about, even thought i think Helen is the only person who actually reads this....

What is Love?

i give my version of love, to all you out there,

Never fear, i'll be back-whether you like it or not :P xxxx

1 comment:

Helen said...

Mmmm, lemons.

But I didn't make any New Years resolutions this year...although I did think of one before the new year but forgot it and still can't remember it.

As for what is love, I don't know. I could give the scientific answer and say it's the release of chemicals and hormones so as to ensure the survival of any offspring so genes get passed on etc. etc...which is seeing love as an evolutionary benifit to the human race, this is true, but if there is anything more than that, I don't know what it is.